利用人工智能增强创造力 & 连接

贴在 2023年11月9日星期四 | 米兰达帕金森 -市场部,维德

AI is always going to take the most logical route, whereas humans don’t always stick to logic – and nor should they. 那么我们如何利用人工智能来增强人类的创造力呢? 

AI. 这是当下的关键流行语之一, jostling for top position amongst contenders like attention and OOH – and for good reason. 比如互联网的发展, programmatic advertising and algorithmic 工具 for media buying, it’s the next step in the evolution of the digital landscape. 

充分利用人工智能, we need to explore the fine line between using AI to enhance campaigns, while making sure the human touch is still at the core of advertising. What limits does it have and where should the balance be struck between human ingenuity and machine learning?

从本质上讲,人工智能是一种工具. With ever-developing capabilities and iterations, the impact it has on possibilities for personalised content and creative ideation are almost limitless. Rather than starting with a blank page, it can jump-start the creative process and help us bring campaigns to life quicker and more efficiently.

However, as with any developing tool, it’s not 100% perfect. 联系是广告的核心, with many of the most memorable adverts – such as John Lewis’s yearly Christmas offerings – centred around telling an emotive story. 这是我们独特的人类特征 允许我们创建这种消息传递, 与观众产生更深层次的共鸣, 更个人化.

While AI is an amazing tool, but it’s not human. It lacks the creative spark, fuelled by our unique experiences, emotions, and the 我们与生俱来的想象力. It doesn’t have traits like empathy, creativity and nuance. Everything it creates comes from learning from humans.

需要创造力. Broadly speaking, creativity is the ability to generate new ideas or concepts that are original. It requires the use of imagination and divergent thinking to come up with ideas or solutions that aren’t necessarily conventional or obvious. AI is limited by its programming and the data it’s been trained on. It’s not capable of original thought or creativity in the same way as humans, meaning it can’t create something wholly new in the same way as we can. It’s always going to take the most logical route, whereas humans don’t always stick to logic – nor should they.

While it can understand and explain certain traits and emotions, without having its own personal biases or emotions, it can’t be affected by them in the same way that humans can. 就目前而言, AI can’t replicate the emotional 连接 that comes from understanding the human experience, 而且很可能永远也做不到.

This means that 人类的创造力 and oversight has a key role in refining and complimenting the work of AI. 在Vyde, we’ve been researching how we can use it to forge deeper 连接s with audiences and spark engagement with consumers – or, 在一个更简单的层面上, speed up the process of designing our Conversational Creatives.

Getting creative approval can be a lengthy process – maybe the client hasn’t sent enough assets, 也许它们无法使用, or maybe the brand copy is jargon-heavy and won’t translate well into ad copy. 像ChatGPT这样的人工智能可以帮助我们提炼l technical information into easily digestible content for consumers, while art generators like DALLE can design or enhance image or video assets based on text prompts. AI can even suggest creative changes tailored to the specific needs and preferences of certain audience segments.

We’ve been developing an AI decision-tree maker that takes data from our platform and uses it to build flows for personalised conversational creatives. Its ability to process and analyse vast amounts of data makes it invaluable for delivering more relevant and engaging content – and it’s only the beginning. 在未来, this will be key to powering elements like intelligent optimisation and personalisation at scale – for example, automating A/B testing by identifying the most effective creatives, 并实时调整活动.

人工智能将继续存在, and we think it’s crucial to embrace this new technology and discover the possibilities it opens up. 我们就越了解如何使用人工智能, and define where human oversight is needed to refine and complement it, the more we can drive increasingly effective campaigns and foster more authentic 连接s with audiences.

As long as it’s used in a way that compliments our inherent, 非常人性化的力量, we’ll be able to harness its true potential as a powerful tool for enhancing our creativity and taking innovation to the next level.












利用人工智能增强创造力 & 连接



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